Monday, May 21, 2012

Going to the beach again!

When Casey got home from Wisconsin we decided to go to the beach again because he was jealous we went without him. We were going to go the Saturday before Mothers Day, but that ended up being a joke. The beach was packed.  We decided to drive around and scope out a few more beaches, all of which were packed.  The girls were so upset.  

We packed all of the toys up and drove to the beach again on Monday. Tinsley literally let out a cheer of joy when we were driving there and she could see the coastline come into view. It was perfect weather and not very many people were there. This time neither of the girls had a problem getting into the water. In fact within 10 minutes of being there Riley was waist deep in water. I think that next time we go swimming suits will be a must seeing as both of our girls are in love with the water.

 As soon as we got there Riley made a new friend that she played with the whole time we were there.

War games

A few months back Casey was asked to be a part of the mobex, its basically war games.  They do these exercises every few months and this time he was asked to participate.  For at least two of these exercises he has to fly out to Wisconsin for a week, and while he's gone he gets to sleep in the dorms with a roommate and eat MREs the whole time.  Doesnt that just sound like a bunch of fun? 

His first exercise was at the beginning of May. Luckily we were still able to text and call each other while he was gone.  He sent me these two pictures so I could see all of the fun stuff he had to wear. I dont think I will ever quite get used to him wearing a uniform all of the time let alone any of this stuff. 

Passin the time while daddy's gone

I took the girls to a real beach for the first time while Casey was in Wisconsin.  We packed a picnic and drove to the beach in Steilacoom, which is about 20 min away.  It was beautiful and the girls had a blast.  

There is some train tracks that divide the parking lot from the park. We got to see 4 in the matter of a couple of hours. Even though Riley hates the sound of a train she really liked seeing them pass by.
 Im pretty sure they got more sand on them than they got into their buckets.

 Nothing could keep Tinsley from running down to the waters edge, even though she would come running back as soon as she got down there and saw the water lapping on the sand.
 Riley was so proud of herself for making a sand angel.  It was all her idea. 
If anything it was a great way to pass the time and get some sun while daddy was gone.
Ive been wanting to start a family blog for some time now, but I havent really had the time to do it until now.  I guess thats one good thing about being sick. Although that doesnt slow anyone else down.  Riley and Tinsley never cease to be screaming and or laughing running around the house.  

We love when its sunny up here in Washington because that means the girls can play outside to their hearts content. The sun is still something that only peeks out occasionally so you have to use it up while you can. We have been here over a year now and just found a beach pretty close to our house.  The girls love it! Come summertime we plan on spending lots of time there.  

Casey turned in a leave request today so we are crossing our fingers that we get to drive home to Utah for a little while.  If everything turns out as planned then we will be able to drive home twice before the end of the year. 

Tinsley turns 2 in a months time. She is already in her terrible twos so both Casey and I are a little afraid of what 2 is actually going to bring. But even though she is our little monster she can also be the sweetest little girl.  Her favorite words include, but are not limited to: No, that's mine, Riley, I dub (love) you, stop it, Hi and please. She is also in the very very beginning of potty training! Woo!

Riley is turning 4 in just over a month, although she sometimes acts like a little teenager sometimes.  Its amazing to think that our little preemie is old enough to start preschool this year. We are actually in the process of filling out some paperwork to hopefully get her into preschool this coming school year.  She absolutely loves interacting with kids her age.  I think we are going to have a little social bug on our hands. 

Casey just finished spring quarter at Pierce College. So far so good.  He is doing great in his classes and he really seems to enjoy being back at school. He is also doing great at work.  He is their go to guy and always seems to be highly praised.  Its crazy to think that in March he has been in the US Air Force for 2 years.  For the most part he seems to enjoy it, but like any job it has its downfalls.  

As for me its just life as a stay at home mom.  Two crazy kids and house full of things to do usually keep me busy.  On the off chance I have some free time I've been working on a new picture I started and Im also making a diaper bag for someone here on base.  

Its not much but its our life and we are grateful for it!