Friday, November 1, 2013

FHE and Halloween fun!!

Well you never know what you are going to get when you walk down the hallway right? I saw Tins climbing up the dryer looking for her My little Pony shirt, and about died.  It was hilarious.

Casey and I have a goal of going to the temple once a month.  We've been doing pretty well the last few months, and on one of our trips the girls went to go play at our friend Heather's house.  When we went to pick them up they were exhausted from playing so hard.  Just before the base gate I looked back and saw this.  Yes, Tinsley is wearing sunglasses at night, and is asleep.

 This is our family friend Ross.  He comes over most Sundays and has dinner with us.  We've gotten to know him through church, and our girls adore him.  We pick him up every Sunday for church and it is the highlight of the trip for them.  I looked over at him last week and both girls were draped over him somehow.  Sorry Ross!  But they love him :)

 FHE, family home evening, at our house can get a little crazy sometimes but I do think this was one of our best yet.  We talked about the importance of not telling lies.  And how lies get spun like webs and we can get caught in a bind when we arent honest with others. (hence the spiderwebs)  We then sat down together and made these spiderwebs with fuzzy little spiders.

Our family of spiders and their webs.

We each got to choose where we hung our spiders in the house.  Now that Halloween is over I am a little sad to see them go. The memories are enough to make me want to leave them up until the end of November.  I need to go on a "web" search and find our next fun FHE project for November!

I went on a search and found some sponge curlers.  We did the girls up the night before Halloween.  First time for both in these terribly uncomfortable curlers, but Riley was a champ and slept through the night. 

My Pirate Princess and Princess Merida!  I let them wear their costumes all day while we went on our errands.  Im pretty sure they would do it everyday if Id let them.  Truthfully I enjoyed every moment with my girls!

 We stopped at the thrift store before our errands and found some awesome deals!  These boots were perfect for her pirate costume.

Riley's new PJs from the thrift store on base, $1 for practically new PJs is good in my book!  And my little monkey girl in her monkey PJs.  We watched Hotel Transylvania, an Ahn family favorite, and played Donkey Kong.  We had a big trunk or treat on Saturday, so we decided to treat ourselves to good ol' family time, and home made goodies!

We had so much fun playin together on Halloween and making yummy treats.  These last few weeks of not working have been a huge blessing of time!  Time is something I will never get back, and only regret missing.  My girls are crazy, loud, exhausting, precious, sweet, adorable and mine! I sure do love my littles! 

Pumpkin Carvin'!

Whats better than guts, paint and two silly little girls?  Why, nothin' of coarse!

For our family night we carved and painted our awesome pumpkins we just picked from the patch.  The girls painted, and we carved into those beasts.

Me and my little loves!

The girls got their painting pallets and brushes ready to go!

My awesome pumpkin.  I love the stem! Its actually why I bought it :)

Tinsleys finished pumpkin!

Riley helped me gut my pumpkin.  We saved the seeds in that bowl and soaked them overnight so that we could roast them up in the morning! Yum!

Finished pumpkins!

Im pretty proud of my hand drawn owl!

Over the river and through the woods....

We decided to drive home to Utah for General Conference this year.  Yay!! It was a much needed vacation back home!  We got to go and see most of our family and go up to temple square.  

We drove down with a good friend of ours and her kids.  It was a great trip! 

When we got there we went out to dinner with grandma and grandpa at one of my favorite places..Texas Roadhouse.

I do not know what inspired this look, but I find it oddly adorable!

Tinsley of coarse had to get in on the funny faces! 

 Riley wanted to sit in between grandma and grandpa.  Lucky little girl!

After dinner we went out to ice cream with Grandma Ahn at Iceberg.  It was a great night, and we were spoiled rotten!

We were able to go and see Grandma and Grandpa Lovell as well.  They loved getting to see and spend time with grandpa.

Both girls had a blast playing with grandpa!  Im sure glad we got to go and see them.

 Sunday morning we drove up with Casey's mom to temple square to try and catch the morning session.  We didnt get in, but it was really nice getting to be up there and see all the people and be near the temple.  

Its never a complete trip without grandma reading stories.  They love story time!

I caught Tinsley up in Grandma and Grandpa Lovell's bathroom upstairs washing her hands before bed.

This is on our drive home.  Car full of kiddos, and lots of memories.  15 hours is a long drive all in one day, but they did really well for the most part.  

Lisa made hats to entertain the kids on the way home.  I need to bottle her creativity so I can do better with my kiddos.  They thought it was the coolest!

We were in UT for a week, and we loved being there.  I cant wait to go back and see everyone again.  Its always an adventure and always full of memories!