Monday, August 26, 2013

Party at the park!

I'm a little bit behind now on updates, but hopefully I'll be able to remember everything. :)

We celebrated our girls birthdays on the same day with a big birthday party at the park.  The pictures are out of order so I'll try to write more captions.  There is a big park down the street that has a brand new play ground and is near a big pond.  That's where we decided to throw our little shindig. We have a friend from our ward, Ross, who came to help us decorate and get ready for the party.  He is one of our girls favorite people. 

I detailed throughout the pictures, but from the middle on flows more. I guess that's what you get when you have two cameras going. 
 We had play time at the park first, then snacks and cake, presents and lastly a fun treasure hunt!  It was a blast and our girls were spoiled rotten.  The only thing that could have made it better is if we had family their too.  

Their chicken card game from Trish.  

Tinsley excited about her barbie! 

 Their princess hats!  They are awesome!

 These are fun little barbie tops from Lilly and Zacky. 

Gifts from Ross!

 Off to find the second clue for their treasure hunt.

 This is the awning area that we set up the party.  

Still working on the treasure hunt.  Savanna had a lot of fun reading the clues that they found. 

This is the final clue!!  And they were off running to go and find the treasure!

They found it!!  Casey had hidden a treasure chest in this little cluster of trees. 

 Inside was little party favors with candy and a few toys.  It was a pretty big hit! 

 One of our friends came a little late, so here's Riley opening her present from Sam.  It was The Magic School bus.  They have really liked watching that. 

 Another picture of our party area.

Our friends playing at the park!  Everyone was happy to be out in the sun :)

Cake time!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVED their cakes!!! They were so worth it.  I had a lady here make them in exchange for a wallet and some flowers.  My girls loved them! 
Riley wanted a purple cake that was chocolate, and Tinsley wanted a pink cake that was strawberry.  

 Present time!  They were so excited to open presents.  They couldnt believe they were all for them.  

First were some chickens that had a matching card game inside from their friends Savanna and AJ.

Next were Heathers gifts.  She got them barbies, those funny mustache faces and some awesome princess hats!  They thought they were pretty awesome!

Next were from Lilly and Zacky.  They had some great hand painted wrapping paper that the girls thought was so neat!  Inside was some fun barbie ballerina tops.  They spin :)

 Ross even got them something.  Our girls love Ross, so they were thrilled to open his gift.  He outdid himself with coloring books, crayons and an awesome 3D puzzle!  

They ran over to give Ross a hug!  

 Their friend Iso gave them an awesome playdough princess castle, and some fun little water squirters!

Starting our treasure hunt!  I told you pictures were out of order.  But we started after we found a clue under all of the presents.  

It took us all over the park!  To a tree, a bench, to the giant web, a grill and lastly the cluster of trees.

Thanks again to all of our friends who came and celebrated our two favorite girls birthdays!