Friday, November 1, 2013

Catch up!

Oh its sad when I can say that I am doing better at writing in my journal than updating the blog.  I have had a terrible track record for writing in my journal until the last few months.  Anyways, I am trying to do both now that my last work order has been FINISHED!!  I am loving the time with my girls, and having a blast actually being able to sit down and read a book if I so choose.  I know that those days are limited, so I drink it up while I can.

A couple months back we made homemade pizzas for dinner, using my awesome pizza crust recipe.  They got to decorate their own pizzas and mix the dough with me.  Riley's is the top, and Tinsley's is the bottom.

We had our ward primary program a couple weeks ago.  Our primary had an ice cream party followed by practice for the upcoming big day.  

Riley hates, I mean hates going up front.  Last time she did it for the fathers day song she ran back to us in tears.  So I had Tinsley go up with her during the practice so that she'd hopefully feel more at ease being up there.  Plus there was almost no one in the audience but myself and other teachers.  I ended up being assigned to Riley's row for the program and so that helped as well. All went well on the big day.  She sang and even did her small part.  We practiced that all morning and she was pretty excited to do it.  We were sure proud of that little girl!

I practiced my mom a while back that I would put up pictures of our rearranged living room.  So here they are Mom!  Sorry it took me forever.  I changed up all of the pictures, moved the couch and TV, shifted the bookcase/desk, brought Casey's cedar chest out and moved the fish tank.

 Casey's desk/work area is on the left, and mine is on the right.

On Sept. 18th Casey and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary of being together.  We went out to lunch as a family and got Pho.  It is a rare treat to do something like that so we were thrilled. The girls devoured it!  In fact it is now something they ask for. I like getting the spring rolls so its great with me :) 

One of the things that I do love about Washington, is living so close to the bay.  We went to a friends birthday party and it was right at the beach.  Its gorgeous!

These little ladies are kind of our favorites!

On the way back to the van from the party we saw this pretty cool caterpillar. I couldnt help but take a picture. 

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