Sunday, September 29, 2013

Goin to the park!

Im a little late posting these pictures...It was about a month or so ago in fact.  Anyways we walked over to a park by our old house, which they built shortly after we moved.  It has a lot of fun different things to play on.  

Our girls really wanted to walk Milo, so through joint effort we made it.

I got Casey to try this fun spinning thing.  It is tilted at the bottom, so if you do it just right it will just spin and spin and spin!  He was a pretty good sport. :)

 They have these awesome swings that fit the both of them, or mom and one of them.  They are pretty nifty!

I got to play a lot with Riley on this little spinner.  Getting to see her laugh and smile the whole time was worth the dizziness!  I sure love this little girl!

Family time doesnt happen enough.  We have been trying harder to enjoy what time we have together. Memories are magic, and can have such a huge impact in our lives.  I feel blessed to have my family, and my husband.  Dont ever forget your biggest blessings! 

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