Sunday, September 8, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa's visit! 2013

We always love when Grandma and Grandpa come to visit us!  We dont get to see our family enough, so it means a lot when we get special visitors.  

As soon as they got here grandma pulled out her number chart that she made for the girls.  They loved matching up the numbers that grandma made with the ones on the chart.  I dont know how long they sat here doing this, but it was a good while.  They did this a few times during the visit.  We sure love grandmas fun activities.  

The girls arent the only ones who walked away with awesome swag from grandma and grandpa.  They brought us Dunford Doughnuts and these awesome mugs from M&M world.  They are the coolest mugs!!  

Casey and I had yet to take our family Camping up here, so we decided to go with Grandma and Grandpa on our first time out.  We drove to Ohanapecosh, which is by Mt. Rainier. It was about a two hour drive from home, but well worth it.  

I didnt reserve a spot because there was a lot that looked to be open online, and I am honestly glad that I didnt!  Some spots were tiny and you were camping right next to others.  We prayed and prayed to find something good, and then we came across this little gem.  A mostly secluded spot right near the little creek.  G-14, for those of you wondering ;)

We set up camp, which the girls thought was a blast.  They got to help Casey lay out the tent and hammer in the stakes.

Tinsley took it upon herself to try and put some of the poles in by herself.  She was so determined.  

Riley was thrilled to be with Grandma and Grandpa camping!  She wanted to show me where they set up camp. 

These are some pictures of our campsite.  It was pretty awesome!  The trees where HUGE. 

We took our wimp dog, who whined the whole time.  I dont think he liked being out in the wild much.

Riley butt...They were playing hide and go seek tag and she hid right by grandma.

Soda!  We dont get it very often, but I thought camping was a good excuse to pull out the good old shasta cream soda.  

My two favorite men in the world!  My dad and my love! 

Tinsely being a goose.  She climbed onto this little stump and was so proud of herself.  

They had a small trail to "hike" on that took you next to the old hot springs up there.   I got this little gem of my girls jumping and dancing from rock to rock. 

Right by the trail they had this slice of a huge tree.  On it was a timeline of world events and how big the tree was when it happened.  You can see the little markers below.

Walking on the trail :)

Grandma wanted to stop and get a picture of the girls.  I got a picture of the set up.

My parents!  They are the best :)

My little family!

When we got back to the campsite the girls quickly consumed their time making things with dirt.  Tinsley informed me that she made a cake for the Holy Ghost.  I have no idea where she comes up with these things haha.

Tins and her cake.

Riley set out making a home for a turtle that she was sure was going to pass through.  She gathered lots of pine cones for it to eat and put them in this hole in the tree.  She even had Casey go find a piece of wood to cover the hole so that it made a door.

Casey was trying to start a fire for dinner.  Tinsley thought she should help.  Im pretty sure Im the one that built most of the fires.  I found it oddly relaxing burning things. ;)

We left the next day to return home.  My Mom and Dad took us out to eat for Caseys birthday.  I got this little picture of Tins while she was waiting outside with Casey and Dad.

On the day before my parents left we went up to the Air Museum at Boeing.  We all ended up getting in free through the Blue Star thing they do for military from May through Sept.  That was pretty nice!

Our little ones and their plane stamps.  They thought these were great, so I took a picture for them to remember it.

There was tons to look through.  We spent a few hours looking through most of what they had, but you could have easily gone another day and spent more time looking through more.

They let you actually sit in two of them, so we let the girls have a turn in the planes.

Me and my guy!

I got Tins to come and take some pictures with me :)  Love this girl!

Riley wasnt thrilled to take a picture with me but she did it anyways.  Shes a sweetheart to her crazy mom.

They had a little kids part of the museum where they can play with all sorts of things.  The girls loved being in there and were so excited when we finally let them check it out. 

I got a picture of this plane because it says playstation on there.  I found it strange, so I took a picture.

This was the world war I and II part of the museum.  This was our favorite part.  

My Dad stayed in something like this during the Korean War, so it was pretty neat getting to hear about that and then see what he meant. 

I like to call my love a stud all the time so this was pretty fitting :) Haha.

Mom and Dad left on Friday, and we were so sad to see them go!  We loved all of our time with them and wished they could have stayed longer.  We love you guys!!

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