Friday, November 1, 2013

Pumpkins and mushrooms...

We decided to go to Ikea after we got home from UT.  On the way back home from there we stopped by a big pumpkin patch and got our pumpkins!

BOO!! you!  Our little ghostly family at the pumpkin patch.  

Riley wanted to pull the pumpkin cart...

I REALLY wanted to get that huge pumpkin next to Tinsley, but budget wouldn't allow.  Seriously it was huge though! I wanted to make a really fun big face with it.  

 Daddy and his girls!  They sure do adore this guy :)

I think its safe to say we really enjoyed our day out.  In the fall we dont get a ton of sun usually so this day was perfect pumpkin picking weather.  Last year it was muddy and yucky, so definitely a plus this year to have the sunny blue skies! 

So here in Washington state we get a lot of moisture.  I know you're thinking "well duh Mindy", but seriously we say there is a rainy season and then a blip of summer.  That being said we have lived here 3 years (next month) and we have never had this happen!  I looked out our bedroom window and saw some huge mushrooms.  Its only been like 4 weeks since we went to Utah and before we left these werent there.  Well, maybe they were but I didnt see them.  I noticed them about 2 weeks ago.  About 3 days after I first noticed them I went out in the back yard to take photos of my last diaper bag, and saw that these mushrooms were ALL OVER my yard.  Everywhere... and they were all huge.  

So I took pictures naturally.  

 They dont look big in the pictures until you see my shoe.  I wear a size 9/10 so I do not have small feet by any means, and these were at least half the size of my shoe...everyone, not just one.

Id love to say that Ive been productive and went out back lately to clean up this crazy mushroom situation, but I havent.  If tomorrow isnt rainy (fingers crossed) I'll kindly go ask my husband to mow the lawn.                         

Mushrooms anyone? 

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