Thursday, December 27, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas!

Here at the Ahn house hold we like to put up our Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving, but this year we spent Thanksgiving day and most of Friday down in Oregon with family.  So needless to say Saturday morning I had Casey go out to our dreaded storage closet with me and help me get all of our boxes of Christmas decor.  While doing that we shuffled a few things around and put up another shelf.  Its a huge difference now!  But back to Christmas now.  We got inside and our girls were thrilled to help put everything up.  We opened their Christmas bears and animals first so that they could play with some old friends for a while.  

We have had our tree for over 7 years now.  Last year some lights had gone out so we re strung some of it.  When we pulled it out this year every strand but 1 and 1/2 were dead.  Casey had the very unpleasant job of unstringing the whole tree so we could start over.  Took well over 2 hours.  By the time he was done we decided to finish putting the tree together the next weekend.  

When we did finally get our tree together I was waiting for Casey to get home so that we could decorate it, but the girls were so excited to do it that they really didnt want to wait.  I gave them the ornaments and let them go to town.  They had a blast, and truth be told it was fun to have them do it all by their selves.  Casey and I decided to not fix it and just keep it like it was.  Over time a couple more ornaments were found so I placed them on the top just to fill it out a little. :)  

The last two years my mom has given us a piece to the willow tree manger set.  This year we got the animals.  It is something that we both have really looked forward to!  I had to put it up high so that little hands couldn't touch it, but Casey and I love it!

We have been slammed with orders since November so we only had a few days to even be able to put up decorations.

Casey has been helping me in any way he could this whole last month.  He helped unstitch, cup up patterns, sew, pretty much anything that I asked he would try to help.  Poor guy was exhausted after about 12:30 one night so he passed out on the couch waiting for me to finish a bag.  Riley came out and saw him and pushed over the ottoman and laid right next to him.  It melted my heart.  She sure does love her daddy!

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