Thursday, December 27, 2012

Once there was a snowman... :)

Every once in a while we do get snow up here in Washington.  The girls woke up to a "bunch" of snow about a week before Christmas.  The first thing Riley said is "I want to make a snow man!"  So Casey promised to help her make her first real snowman.  The three of them got ready and headed out the door.  I dont like snow, or the cold so I stayed inside the front door and took pictures.  

First he showed them how to start the balls of snow...

Then how to roll it..

 Soon enough they had the base down.

Lots of butt pictures.  Sorry in advance, but I couldn't help it.

Tinsley wanted to roll this big ball so badly.  She was bound and determined to do it, so she did!  Even though it was nearly as big as her, she rolled it quite a ways.  You can see the progression below.

You can see here little trail that she left behind while making this ball of snow.  Its quite impressive!

The one on top is the one she helped roll.  Daddy had to put it on the snow man because it was so big :)

Making the head :) They had to go to the corner of the yard to find more snow.

Riley got to help carry the final piece of the snowman over and put it on.

She was so proud of herself!

Daddy insisted on it being an alien snowman.

Poking holes for the eyes :)

This was their finished snow man.  I think they were pretty proud of themselves :)

Of coarse you cant build snowmen without getting hot chocolate after.  So here they are waiting for their cup of chocolaty goodness.

Haha you can tell it wore them out.  But they were so excited to go and build their first snowman!  It only lasted about a day and then it rained and it started melting pretty quick.  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! My kids have been begging me for snow- as if I can make it happen. Lol. They look like they had so much fun!
