Saturday, March 2, 2013

Whirlwind of life

Sometimes life just happens in a blink of an eye.  We look back and think where did the time go and when did that happen?..  I have been so busy these last two months that I havent been able to get on and post a new entry for a while. 

In January Tinsley decided that she was ready to potty train!!  We were thrilled and both of us were soooo happy that she wanted to do it.  There wasnt very much incentive on our end.  One day she just decided she wanted to do it.  She has been doing great ever since, but still likes to have a potty buddy stand just out side the door because its "too scary" to go alone.  Grandma Ballatore sent her some money to go and buy panties.  Tinsley was so happy and so proud of herself!!  So thanks grandma!!

One day Tins was being her normal self and getting into everything.  I stuck her in her room for a few minutes.  She didnt like that, but She finally quieted down so I went down and opened the bedroom door so that she could come out.  I couldnt find her anywhere. I finally looked in the closet and found her like this.


With my work increasing it means a few more long days fabric shopping, and grocery shopping usually ends up on the same trip.  This was after one of those said days.  We got home, I went in the kitchen to grab something and came out to both of them sleeping on the floor.

I dont remember exactly when this happened, but one night Casey and I were working and the girls were down in the playroom playing.  Casey went down to check on the two troublemakers.  Good thing he did too.  They had found a bottle of blue acrylic paint and decided to paint themselves and everything around them blue.  Of coarse this happened about 30 minutes before I had to leave for a presidency meeting.  I was so grateful for our investment in our carpet cleaner!!!  Luckily we got most all of the paint out.

For Christmas I really wanted to do something special for Casey because he is just so awesome.  I got the bottom half sewn in time for Christmas. I intended to finish it right after Christmas but then I got sick.  Someday hopefully soon I will be able to finish!  I really want to get this awesome blanket done for my wonderful husband!

I just added this because I thought they were cute. :)

 In February we got the girls both a new bed.  Tinsley got her very own big girl bed for the first time.  They both have loved their new beds.  There has been a huge decrease in bedtime struggles!!  That alone is worth it!

 My dads father got sick in February as well.  We decided that we needed to go home and visit. We didnt tell anyone we just left two days after I found out.  I had a lot of prep to do before we left.  I was needing to work on orders and try to get things out while down there.  This was my work calendar before we left. 

We left at 8:30 at night on Friday.  The girls were so excited to go and see grandma and grandpa, Riley was begging the whole day Friday to leave.  They both fell asleep and we drove until about 3:30am and stopped half way.  We slept a good 5 hours then packed up and drove on.  The girls did an amazing job on the drive down.  They were so excited they hardly complained about being in the car.  They just colored and asked for dancing music to keep them company.  

 We made it!!  
 On Valentines day we gave Gma and Gpa a heart attack.  Both of the girls had so much fun coloring some of the hearts and putting them up.

 I took over my parents basement with my two machines and all of my supplies.  They were gracious enough to let me use this space as my own. :)

We had to leave Friday to head for home.  We had a great time seeing some of our family and getting to spend time with my dad.  
When we got home There was literally a small mountain of mail waiting for me.  

 Since we have been home work has exploded.  I think my busiest day I got 4 sales.  Its been crazy to see my business explode.  We are hopefully going in next week to get a business license.
I talked my husband into letting me get a nice office chair that I could sit in to sew.  We actually ended up getting two so that he could use one for the desk area and HOPEFULLY get some schooling in.  These have been a huge help!

We have a corner office now, and its only getting more and more crammed with supplies.  That cork board in the corner is my wait list.  I currently have about 20 orders in line.

Family night has been long in coming, but we finally started sitting down and planning out a lesson for FHE.  Afterwords we played candyland.  The whole night the girls were singing "follow the poppet" (prophet).  I wish I could have gotten it on a recording. They still ask to hear the song.  I think its a new favorite.

The weather is finally getting better so that means more playtime outside!!

Life has been a whirlwind, but if I said we werent grateful for it I'd be lying. We have been blessed abundantly these last few months and we owe it all to Heavenly Father.  :)

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