Monday, April 15, 2013

Our girls

I dont get too much time anymore to update everything but I am going to try and add some pictures for my family that follows our blog.

Up here in Washington there hasnt been too many days of sunshine and warmth, but on the days that have been decent Riley and Tinsely have soaked it up!

I dont exactly know how climbing the fences started, but both girls love to climb around the yard.  

And coloring on the fence!  Its better than drawing on the sidewalk to them.  I think because they can color on a wall and not get in trouble.

Most days its pretty dreary so my girls love to "help" me when they can.  Here they are using seam rippers to demolish some of moms scraps.  When I let them use tiny scissors they think its the best thing since Christmas!  

Today I sat down to fold some of our mountain of laundry and they fought over who got to fold the towels and make the biggest tower out of the towels.  Needless to say all of my towels are now folded and put away thanks to my girls and their willingness to help!

And this picture just to show Tinsley and her silly sense of humor.

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