Monday, April 15, 2013


We didnt go the traditional route this year with baskets and lots of candy on Easter.  The girls were able to go hunt for eggs before Easter, so we decided to just do it simple this year.  We went to a vendor show on Ft. Lewis that had an Easter egg hunt for the girls one weekend, then we did our ward Easter party right before Easter.  Then on Easter they both got a new dress, a new fun necklace and a huge pencil.  They were over the top thrilled.  Honestly they didnt need anything else.   

Tinsly loves crafts!  She could have spent most of the ward party cutting and gluing.

We were asked to take some pictures for our cousin with her Flat Stanly in it.  Riley loved including the doll in the photos!

Tinsley trying to pop her balloon.

Finally the hunt!  Tinsley almost fell over here.. she was overly anxious.

 Rileys nice haul!

My beautiful girls in their new dresses!

 This is Tinsley, its hard to imagine because she looks so big!  Stop growing!!  She is already in 3t/4t clothes, and Riley is in 5.  They are almost in the same size shoe too.

She picked daddy a flower haha.  

All in all it was a wonderful Easter season!

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