Monday, April 15, 2013

Rileys Pump It Up field trip

A couple weeks back Riley had a field trip to a place here called Pump It Up.  They have large blow up toys everywhere and they got to go play for 2 hours.  She was allowed to bring her sister, thank heavens, and they both had a blast!  

Tinsley had no fear climbing up everything by herself and sliding down the HUGE slides.  She didnt like waiting in the line of kids, she thought that she should just go up and down as much as she wanted.  Lifes tough!

Riley was a huge fan of the slides!  She could hardly wait to slide down.  

Why yes Tinsleys pants are on inside out.. She insisted on dressing herself, and wouldnt allow me to fix them.

I caught Riley in a face plant haha.  She and Tins loved this obstacle coarse.

 For some reason Rileys tongue is always out..

The Easter Bunny came to visit all the kids.  My girls LOVE the Easter Bunny!!  Love is actually an understatement.  They were so excited to see him and they had a hard time sharing with other kids.

I love Rileys two teachers!  They always come up with the greatest activities and they look out for Riley so much.  I will be sad to have to send her off to another teacher next year.

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