Sunday, April 28, 2013

We got to go on a marriage retreat put on by the McChord chaplains this weekend.  I decided to hurry and write it up while I remember.  But we were allowed to take our girls with us.  It was on the Washington coast at a place called the Pacific beach Resort.  It is owned by the US Navy, it used to be a small base.  The rooms were quite lacking, but we really needed the break as a family so that really wasnt an issue.  Our girls loved the view from our window.  

So on this retreat there was a total of 5 classes, each an hour and a half or so.  We only went to 3, but we enjoyed the lessons that were taught.  We decided to not do the other 2 because there really wasnt a lot of actual family time set aside in the time we were there, and after all thats what we really needed since Casey and I have been working a ton.  Our girls loved every moment of it!

Every meal was provided to our group so that was a huge plus!

On Saturday we were finally able to take our girls to the beach, but it was raining so we didnt stay long.

Casey wrote their names in the sand.  Riley thought that was pretty neat so she went behind and wrote their names again. 

Tinsley on the other hand thought that it would be fun to go behind and ruin all of their writing...

Caught black handed!

 Someone was covered in sand, so we had to go back to our room to clean up before dinner.

All cleaned up and ready to go play in the rec room for a little bit.

The resort had a pretty neat rec room with a rock wall and a plastic play ground for the kiddos.  Then there was also a Foosball table (which Casey killed me on twice), and a ping pong table. 

Riley loved climbed the rock wall.  She did pretty good and was fearless until she reached the top.

When it was finally dinner time we walked over to the room they set up for our group and waited in line for our food.  The girls got to use really nice glasses for all of their meals, which they thought was awesome! 

But back to the story... we waited in line  and headed to our table, and found that Tinsley had completely wiped  out while daddy was holding her.  So Casey threw down his jacket and let her sleep on the floor.  That was around 6:15, we were supposed to have another class at 7 which we decided to forgo so that we wouldnt have to wake Tinsley up.  We ate and then headed to our room, put Tinsley down and then Riley and I went and got a movie for us to watch.  We ended up just watching Charlottes Web as a family and it was probably our best night as a family.  No stress about getting the kids to the child care (which is a whole other story) and no worrying about being uncomfortable at the classes.  Which honestly the classes werent half bad they just took up way too much of the weekend. 

This was this morning before we left.  Casey pulled the girls around in this big tube.  They both thought it was awesome.  I think they have a pretty awesome daddy!

View from our window..not the greatest, but a lot better than some of the other rooms so we hear!

It was a much better day today so we stopped by the beach again on the way out.  Riley loves chasing birds as you can see..

She really liked the idea of writing in the sand!

The view of the land behind us was just as amazing as the ocean itself!

This is one of my favorites!

These little dirt mounds were everywhere from all the people clamming.

Me and my love!

All the people out today clamming!  There were probably hundreds of people!

Casey got a picture of some people digging up clams.

These were on the way back.  You would never guess we were literally driving right next to the beach.  Washington has a ton of rain but these gorgeous trees wouldnt be here without it.

 This lovely sign was all over.  Talk about a welcoming sign! 

We didnt exactly love the accommodations, but we were really grateful for the family time and no work! 

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