Sunday, July 21, 2013

Monsters University

We try to do something as a family for birthdays, and this year we took Riley to go see Monsters University at the theater here.  Our girls love the seats here (they recline). They were just adorable! And yes these pictures were taken before the movie, so no viewers were disgruntled by my crazy mom moment.

My forever family!!

We are blessed to have a forever family!  I dont know what we would do without the gospel or its teachings.  It is the reason that we are still in one piece and also Happy!  We get taught a lot about the atonement and I am so grateful for it.  Casey and I are best friends through thick and thin.  There has been a few big bumps in the road, but through determination and faith we are and always will be family!  I cant imagine life without my family!

I think we get caught up in life sometimes and forget the little things.  So here are a few of my "little things" pictures that just bring a smile to my face.
 We have been trying to be more diligent with family home evenings and I know without a doubt that there are many blessings to be had from this teaching.  Watching our girls listen so intently while we have our small lesson, and then seeing them use it throughout the week is simply awesome.  

Tins climbed up behind me and wouldnt stop giving me kisses on the head.  This mamma loves her little ones loves.

Random photo op with my girlies.

Please excuse the undies in these next couple pictures :)  Our girls came down the hall playing cowboy the other day and I couldnt help but laugh.  They were so sweet and having so much fun together.  I hope that they always stay as close as they are.  

 While sewing away the other day Riley came over and sat by me with my tiger.  This Tiger is fought over frequently because its moms. (Casey bought it for me in Disneyland before we were married so I kind of like it).  But anyways, I looked down and she was helping the Tiger to draw a picture.
There was a talk today at church about tender mercies in our lives and these have been some of mine lately.  I have had a pretty rough few weeks and no matter what these pictures have brought a smile to my face and pure joy to my heart.  

While I know that the lord will never give us more than we could handle it's been truly a rough little bit.  But I am trying to look at the small things to be grateful for and hold my head high.  My girls mean the world to me, and my husband is my wonderful other half.  Life is never too much when you have your family with you.

Look who's 5!!!

Our little Riley turned 5 July 7th, 2013!  She was born into this world at a featherweight of 1lb 10oz.  She stayed in the hospital for 3 months and a day after she was born. She amazed us with her persistence to thrive.  We were told she was born with a mission to do, and I wholeheartedly believe that. I cant believe how well she is doing now!

I made our girls backpacks this year for their birthdays.  This was Riley's.  I finished it the night before her birthday.  

 We woke up and made Riley's favorite, chocolate chip pancakes! Yum Yum! 

We ate breakfast and then it was time for presents.  The joys of a Sunday birthday, no waiting for dad to get home from work all day!

She got a letter from grandma!

 She was so excited about the card and the money!!  It went strait into her piggy bank.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa B!

She was super excited to open her box from Grandma Ahn!

When she saw her unicorn she was thrilled!  Ever since she saw Tinsley's seal she asked for a pillow that was a unicorn.  She still has no idea it lights up!

Daddy playing with the unicorn ;)

Its common knowledge that clothes are a fast favorite for birthday presents... I guess thats what she gets for growing out of everything!


Her new back pack!  

Closing her eyes for her last surprise!  She had finished opening all of her presents and was a little sad looking.  We asked if she'd had a good birthday and her reply was "yes", then finally daddy got it out of her. She said in a really sheepish voice, "I just wanted a bike". 

Daddy ran outside to go and get her surprise!

 Tinsley had to join in on the fun.  We let them do a few victory laps around the house.

After church daddy read them one of Riley's new books.  Everyone crowded around, even the dog :)

Our little girl on her new big girl bike. I couldnt ask for a more wonderful little princess!