Sunday, June 30, 2013

Business license

Well I broke down and finally applied for a business license.  I got it in the mail a couple weeks back!  Its kind of surreal knowing that through all of this hard work and family sacrifice we have been able to make this hobby into a business. I have slowed things down right now, but I am happy to be finally doing it the way its supposed to be done and being honest in my dealings with man.  Although I do not look forward to paying tax.

This year has brought many changes to my business, including a new logo, blog page, new machine and many new customers.  There are lots of military bag makers out there, but my fans are growing by leaps and bounds.  Im not always sure how to keep up with it, but the Lord has helped!  We just continue with faith and pray every step of the way.  This hasnt been something that I imagined would ever get so big, or even wanted to get so big.. But we were blessed with another means to help our family.

I am grateful for where my love of puzzles has brought me! 

I have grown in leaps and bounds this last year or so.  Heavenly Father has blessed my with a wonderful talent that has blessed our family abundantly.  I dont get to do much for my family with how many orders I have up, but I got to make Tinsley a backpack for her birthday.  She loves showing it to everybody and telling them that her mommy made it for her.  Theres nothing like that feeling!  She loves that back pack and I am so grateful that I could do that for my little one!   

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