Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Tinsley, Tinsley its your Birthday!!!

Our little monkey turned 3 on the 21st of June!  Casey and I spent part of the night before getting the house ready for our little one's big day.  I finished up her presents and daddy blew up balloons.  :)

When they woke up they went directly into their play room, and didnt even notice the banner down the hall.  They played in there a good hour before I herd Riley yell at Tinsley that there was balloons down here.  Then they ran down the hall and told me.  I got up and made our girls our famous chocolate chip pancakes while they played with the purple balloons.  

Tinsley had to wait until daddy got home for lunch to get her bike she has been begging for!  Everyday for the last month thats all we herd about. "Mom if Im good I get a purple bike for my birthday" Or "Im getting a bike for my birthday".  She really wanted a purple bike.  We went looking as a family a few times to see what size she needed and which bike she liked.  
When dad got home for lunch we decided to give her one present, her bike, before he had to head back. 
We told them to cover their eyes so dad could bring Tinsley's surprise out.

Although this picture doesnt show it, she was so excited to see her bike.  Well at first she was excited it was a bike, but didnt think it was hers. She said "oh a bike! Dad I want a bike."  So we had to explain that it was hers, and then she screamed and danced around haha.  

Ready to ride!

She wanted to share with Riley, so she let her on and gave her a push around the house.

She wanted to take more pictures when she saw my phone.  I sure love this girl!

Daddy got home, which meant present time!
Present from Grandma Ballatore! She loved it!

She got a pillow pet from Grandma Ahn that lights up.  She loves it.  She wanted to take it with us to dinner, and she would clap the arms together saying arf arf.  :)

We took out the family to a restaurant called the Ram for Tinsleys birthday dinner.

We let her choose what she wanted, and told the waitress it was her birthday.  While daddy took Tins to the restroom the waitress came over to me and told me they were going to bring a yummy dessert to her when she got back. 
She got an Ice cream cupcake!  YUMMY :) Of coarse she shared.

When we got home we watched a movie and just relaxed as a family.

Tinsley is almost inseparable from her back pack now.  I cant tell you how much it means to see her so excited about it!

Daddy, Riley and Mommy on the couch.

This little bundle of joy is such a blessing to our home.  We are so grateful to have her in our lives!!  We sure love her! <3

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