Sunday, June 30, 2013

You only turn 25 once!

Well Im a little behind as always, but I did take lots of pictures to document certain times so that I could later come and post them to our family blog.  I have time today so I am going to be catching up!  Sorry mom and dad for making you wait so long! ;)

My birthday was quite fantastic this year!  My husband spoiled me rotten and I got to go spend most the day with him, which doesnt happen....ever!  A friend of mine took the girls for me and Casey around 9.  Casey refused to tell me what we were doing that day.  We started off by going to a doughnut shop close to our house to get yummy real blueberry scones! They we headed north.  I had no idea where we were going.  Lots of great conversation was had before we exited off 1-5 towards downtown Seattle.  We parked in a parking garage and set off on foot.  I tried guessing, but that was no help.  Every answer was "nope".  Finally we ended up at SAM!  The Seattle Art Museum.  Its been years since I have been able to go to an art museum and just enjoy the art.  My husband outdid himself!

These were on our way through downtown Seattle.  You cant see it as well as in person, but there is the bay and its gorgeous! 

This art installation was in the entrance to the museum.  It goes through the whole front of the building.

This black and white piece was my favorite!  It was huge!  I could have stared at it for hours, I just wish there was smaller versions I could put in my house :)

I saw this piece and thought of my dad.  Haha.. But it made me enjoy it even more.

I took this picture just to show you some of the oddities of the art world.  Its a stack of pancakes.

These are made of barb wire.

Mom, I found a mancala set from hundreds of years ago.  I thought youd enjoy seeing that :

They had a whole room dedicated to fine china.  

This plate was my favorite.

We finished and went out front.  There is this huge statue of a man swinging a hammer.  Its pretty iconic of Downtown.

An advertisement of my favorite piece.  They were selling a scarf inside with this print on it, but I thought $120 was a bit out of my price range.

There is a restaurant right inside these doors that we ate at.  I believe it was called Taste.  

We really enjoyed out date day!  I couldnt have asked for more than spending quality time with this fantastic guy!

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