Sunday, June 30, 2013

New doos!

It was that time again...Hair cut time!  Both girls were in desperate need of a summertime cut.  I didnt want to spend $20+ dollars on having someone come cut it so I cut it myself.  Once they are a little older I will be taking them somewhere to have it done, Im not that mean. :)  But for now mommas somewhat choppy cuts work.  I for some reason didnt get the before picture of Riley, but here is Tins the day before.

She was so excited to sit on the counter under a towel to get her hair cut.  We of coarse had the discussion of only mommy can cut your hair!  Since she and Riley decided a few months back to chop their own hair Ive been having that discussion more frequently.

After!  What a cutie, and if I say so myself much better!

We took some pictures to send to daddy so he would know we chopped her hair.  She thought that was a blast.

She wanted to make funny faces :)

After her hair cut we took Riley to school and ran to the post office.  I promised little Miss a doughnut so she is proudly strutting her stuff here.

Miss Riley got her hair cut too!  We did it right after school and I forgot to take more pictures, but she looks adorable with her new doo.  

Love my girls and their awesomeness they bring to our family!

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